Sparkwing goes virtual at Utah smallsat conference
The Sparkwing team will be presenting on August 6th
The conference will take place between 1-6 August; this year in virtual form. The Sparkwing team will be presenting on August 6th at 17.00h (CEST time) = 9.00h (MDT time).
What will our Sparkwing team talk about?
Although solar arrays are usually custom-designed and built for every single space platform, rapid developments nowadays in the smallsat market require a more “Commercial Off-The-Shelf” approach.
Given the many smallsat platforms and launchers, can solar arrays be realized as a COTS component, and how? What are the design trade-offs and parameters for such a standardized solar array?
The team will share its findings and advance the resulting standardized ‘SparkWing’ smallsat solar array.
Wish to join the presentation?
The presentation will be given in an online session. To receive the invitation and link to the session, email us at! We’d love to see you there!
About Sparkwing
Sparkwing is the world’s first commercially available off-the-shelf solar array for small satellites. It is optimized for LEO missions requiring power levels between 100W and 2000W, and bus voltages of 36V or 50V. We offer more than 30 different panel dimensions, which can be configured into deployable wings with one, two or three panels per wing. For more information visit our site: