
The latest news about Airbus Netherlands, our products and our projects can be found below.

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Airbus DSNL supports student team in quest for Mars colonization

May 3rd, 2016 - Leiden University students are contributing to future Mars colonization. With this topic a team of 13 students has officially announced their participation in iGEM 2016, the international competition for synthetic biology (‘Genetically Engineered Machines’). Mars soil contains about 1% perchlorate, which is very toxic and makes the soil unsuitable for use in e.g. agriculture. In […]

Orion spacecraft’s solar array successfully put to the test

February 29th, 2016 - Airbus Defence and Space’s qualification model of the solar array for the Orion spacecraft operated flawlessly during a deployment test Solar array with bird-like movement enables special task of powering the crewed Lunar mission Airbus Defence and Space has developed and delivered the qualification model of the solar array for the European Service Module (ESM) […]

The Netherlands deliver Earth Observation instrument Tropomi

July 11th, 2015 - Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands rondt bouw- en testfase succesvol af Tropomi definitief verenigd met Europese aardobservatiesatelliet Sentinel 5 Precursor Analyse testfase bevestigt: toekomstige metingen door Tropomi zeer nauwkeurig Leiden, 11 juli 2015 – Na een succesvolle afronding van de bouw- en testfase is het Nederlandse aardobservatie-instrument Tropomi de afgelopen weken op de Sentinel 5 […]

Successfully launched Sentinel-2A satellite colors the earth

June 23rd, 2015 - Click here to read this news item in Dutch.

Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands signs contract for second batch production European launcher

June 17th, 2015 - Click here to read this news item in Dutch.